I tell myself that everything's going to be ok, that there is no reason for all this pain. The time it took to change, the time it took to see all those mistakes. The life I had, I can't have back. The choices I made, affected me in all those ways. The mistakes I made have not been forgotten. The tears I shed, the sounds I made, the feelings that left me feeling in a different way. Yet I can't see why these tears feel so unreal. I'm not the same, my words are unsaid.What I hide, is buried deep inside. To know, to love, to breathe. It hurts to know that I'll never be the girl I used to be.
The one that would always laugh,the one that you knew would always be strong.The feeling is real, the truth is sealed.I cry in the dark, cause I know I cut too deep.The blood is like the rain, in every way it drifts away.The scars are real, but the wounds in the heart are another mark.If you only knew what I've been through,or maybe you could take a walk in my shoes.I'm not fake, I'm not a doll,I just don't think I'm the same in any way.So where did my soul go?Why did I ever let it runaway?
What happened to that girl? The one that could make you laugh,the one that would always take you out?What happened to that girl, cause I'm lost without her?I'm no longer me, the mistakes changed me,but did they change her? If only I would know.

nampknyer situasi kite same,..i feel the same thing. hurmm i don't want 2 thing about it at ths moment..
jom naik beca....tetibe
hmm tu xpe.. knape ek??
btw word yang last tue yg best !! haha.. ok jap g kte terjah ye...
baik...mari, jangan lupe beli jajan skali..boley makan sambil ronde2
ok2.. sedia kan air tau !! kang tercekek plak.. huhuhu...
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